Shekhar’s healthcare Workout 5 Why’s to Workout.

5 Why’s to Workout.

It’s a well known simple yet sophisticated trick to get a perspective about anything in life. The 5 why’s !

Here’s how it can be done. Ask yourselves the question of “why?” 5 times in a row, about that particular matter. The 5th reason for why, will get you the perspective, clarity & the very purpose of that matter.

Lets take workout for example. There are a number of types, styles, methods, benefits  etc about workouts. But very few explain about the true purpose of working out.

As a Health care professional, I have portrayed in this blog, how important it is to a human to keep up the workout sessions. That’s right. Let’s ask ourselves 5 times why we should be working out.


1. Why workout ?




Exercise is the most underrated anti depressant. A small session of workout, whether it’s intense or not, promotes the production of “feel good” hormones by the central nervous system & the pituitary gland. They are known as Endorphins. As a word, Endorphin comes from putting together two words “Endogenous” which means within the body, and “Morphin” which is an opiate pain reliever. These Hormones are released in response to physical activities mainly, but are also induced during eating & sexual intercourse.

One might be thinking , what’s the purpose of these Endorphins? Exactly.

2. Why Endorphins?

The purpose of Endorphins is not completely understood. Although, we know that these hormones act on the opiate receptors of the body. This action leads to relieving pain & boosting pleasure.

Endorphins are naturally involved & are related to important activities like eating, drinking, physical fitness & sex. They minimise discomfort & maximise Pleasure. This in-turn helps us to continue workout & functioning despite the injury or stress.

However , these Endorphins along with other Happy Hormones such as Dopamine, Serotonin & Norepinephrine play an important role in regulation of mood. Good mood is directly related to Good mental health which plays a vital role in the physical well-being.

Hence, Endorphins largely contributes to the Good mental health.

3. Why one needs to be mental healthy?

A person is cannot be assumed to be mentally healthy just due to the mere absence of a mental illness. Mental health includes one’s emotional, psychological & social well-being. It affects how a person thinks, feels & acts.
In this increasing chaotic & mechanical world, the amount of stress a person experience in the lifetime plays a significant part in maintaining physical & social well-being. Chronic stress leads to detoriation of hippocampus & also cause decreasing concentration & memory, anger , irritability & fear.
Improved mental health practices such as exercise can reduce the effects of stress & also provide other benefits like clarity, greater sense of bliss or inner peace, increased self-Esteem & reduced risk of depression.
Henceforth only when a person is mentally healthy, he/she can pursue physical well-being.

4. Why physical well-being is necessary?

The only place where we need to live is our own body. Taking care of our body is a great responsibility. Physical health is not just absence of any disease, It includes lifestyle behaviour choices to ensure health, avoid preventable diseases & maintain physiological homeostasis.
Physical well-being not only reduce the risk of developing several diseases like Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc, it also helps in carrying out social roles without any hindrance. Therefore physical health ensue social well-being.

5. Why Social well-being is important?

As we Humans are social creatures who are mutually dependent on each others like friends, family members, co-workers etc. Social well-being plays a vital role in the development of our own societies/community/ countries. Only when a person is mentally & physically healthy, he/she can provide & carry out key social roles.

Well, after these 5 Why’s , we can understand that regular workout/exercise sessions could lead us to Mental, Physical & Social well-being.
This is the true definition of health. i.e.. Health is a state of Mental, Physical , Social well-being & not just mere absence of any disease.
This is how a primordial action of regular workouts/exercises could lead to a cascade of benefits both personally & socially.
Hope this article helped in gaining a perspective about the very true purpose of workout.
Stay fit & stay healthy.

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